I'm well aware that I am 100% pregnant, and my Mini is starting to make quite a ruckus these days! As my uterus grows and expands I'm feeling aches and pains in weird places. I know it's all part of the journey so I'm not freaking out too much. Except when I have a headache for a week STRAIGHT! Ouchie! I'm choosing to focus on the little flutters that I feel in my belly as Baby let's his presence be known!
Wondering what's up with my body, my Baby, and my life this week? Read on...
What I'm thinking...
"OMG. Is something crawling on my stomach? Oh, wait! That was the baby!"
My body
Talk about mixed messages! After spending my whole life trying NOT to gain weight, now I'm told I must pack on the poundage. But not too many pounds, of course. And not the wrong kind of weight. It's exhausting! The bottom line (I guess) is this: It's essential to gain an appropriate amount of weight but via healthy foods, not milkshakes and Peanut M&M's kinda weight!
I'm told not to worry about gaining too much weight or dieting while pregnant. I'm also told, "Those extra pounds will come off when the Baby is born!" Not with a whole lot of crunches and eating like a rabbit!!!! For now, I will bask in the 300 extra calories per day that I am "allowed!" Eat your heart out!!!!!
My Baby
Speaking of packing on the pounds, that's what it's all about for Baby this week. He's adding fat stores that will keep him warm and cozy after he's born. My Baby's weight will increase approximately SIX times over the next FOUR weeks! WOW! I'm so glad to know that I'm not the only one tipping the scales! Oh how misery loves company! :) Also this week:
My Baby is hard at work honing his sucking and swallowing reflexes -- all the better for eating at 2 AM (and 5 AM and 8 AM...) in a few months. The finger and toenails are beginning to grow from their nail beds, which would explain why he'll need them trimmed shortly after birth.
My Baby is well nearly 6 ounces and is a little over 5 inches long -- or about the size of a baked potato (load on the butter and sour cream, please).
My life
If my heir to the throne will have his or her own room in a few months, it's time to start thinking about the nursery! First, I should decide if my heir will have a place she can call her own! Plus, how am I supposed to think about the nursery when I'm unsure if I should be shopping for princess or Tonka truck get up? Which brings up a great point -- February 8th is the magical day I will discover the answer to the princess/Tonka mystery!
When it comes to the nursery, I won't be spending a fortune! These things will get barfed on, pooped on, and chewed on -- and that's just in the first week! One must have is a comfortable place to sit and nurse at 3 AM!!!
I keep reading that I should splurge on some luxury item for myself -- I keep waiting for my check to arrive from these different websites, but NADA as of yet! :)
Baby's rubbery cartilage is turning to bone. She's growing a stronger, thicker umbilical cord too! All the better to help chunk her up!
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