Wednesday, February 1, 2012

{sweet tater}

I almost forgot to post my 18 week update!!!! I'm a little short on time this week (and patience!). So, I'm going to post an abbreviated version of my weekly update. To make up for the hormonal amnesia, I'll post a new baby bump photo this week!!! :)

What am I thinking?
"Either I've got an ongoing case of indigestion, or there is an alien in my tum tum!" ;)

Baby is about 5.6 inches long (from crown to rump) and is tipping the scales at 6.7 ounces!!! He or she continues to grow rapidly! Let see if you can guess what this weeks comparison is! (I had a hard time the first time I saw it!)

Oh, and one more thing...NEXT WEEK IS WHEN I FIND OUT IF I'LL BE INVESTING IN PINK OR BLUE!!!!! If you guys have any ideas on names, please comment! HELP! :)