Friday, December 30, 2011

{lemon drop}

Hungry much?? Now that I'm not feeling so queasy, I'm eating everything in sight! And I mean A LOT! Plus, I'm fueling Baby's growth -- which is happening at a super speed at 14 weeks!! The last thing I want right now is healthy snacks (where did I put my pickles and M&M's?)! It is important -- for me and Baby -- that I don't indulge in TOO many greasy foods (notice the operative word -- TOO)! Ice cream isn't greasy, right?! I've really taken this whole eating for two thing seriously! I'm serious! *cracking smile* It has been suggested that I get out and take a walk everyday. My response, you ask? I walk to the fridge at LEAST 5 times a day! That's PLENTY of exercise! Let's not over do it now!

At week 14 Baby is 3.4 inches long and 1.5 ounces. Baby has almost doubled in weight since last week and just keeps on growing!!! Baby is probably curled up in the fetal position sucking her thumb and wiggling those tiny toes! Baby's kidneys are busy making urine while Baby's liver and spleen are doing their jobs, too! A thin, peach-fuzz-like hair is all over Baby's body -- this peach fuzz will keep Baby warm! OK, I admit it...who needs to be kept warm when it's 98.6 degrees??? Where are the fans and grapes..oh, and I'll take a virgin pina colada with one of those little umbrellas in it, too!! Sorry, something shiny!! The fuzzy stuff falls off of Baby's body before delivery! Maybe there is something I don't know? God is MUCH smarter than me and I'm sure there is some wild purpose for the peach fuzz! :)

Thursday, December 22, 2011

{just peachy}

Yay! The first trimester has sailed on by and I DID IT! I'm not just talking about getting through those work meetings without falling asleep (or puking!), I'm talking about how I've completed one whole third of my pregnancy -- and the toughest one at that. I've grown a Baby that has vocal cords, teeth, and even fingerprints (wow!) and I kept this incredible news secret while I constantly wished I could shout it from the rooftops -- or at the very least, use it as an excuse for getting to work late! Although, I have only done that when I have a doctor's appointment! I swear!!!!!

How's baby growing you might ask? Well, without reading a website or cracking a book I can tell you this little bundle of joy is ACTIVE. Yes, I can already feel the baby moving and NO I'M NOT CRAZY!

Baby is about 2.9 inches long and weighs about .81 ounces, and -- proportion wise -- her head's now about 1/3 the size of her body. It used to be bigger!!! Just peachy!!! :)

Sunday, December 18, 2011

{from your big sisters}

From Liora: I want to tell her that your big sister's are very big and one, her name is Kayleah and one, is named Liora. I hope that Mommy has a girl. I love the baby so much. That's all. ~ Love, Liora

From Kayleah: I hope you have a great life with our Mommy, because she is so great. I hope we get to see you a lot. I hope you have a good life with our Mommy. I hope you are a boy or a girl. Me and Liora are going to love you so much and take care of you so good. Mommy has a lot of toys for you to play she won't buy any toys! Only if it's a boy!

Liora says, "I'm not changing her diaper! Not Sissy, not me!" Kayleah says, "I'm going to help Mommy change dirty diapers!" Kayleah says, "Me and Liora are not going to change her diaper if it's number two!"

Typed by Kayleah &  Liora: Dear baby sister or baby buther .you are going to be bonsing of   the wolls with candy.

Friday, December 16, 2011

{my sugar plum}

Good morning! Today marks 12 weeks! Time is just flying by! I guess it helps being a busy little bee! Today, the Baby is the size of a plum! A little Christmas Sugar Plum! Oh and the good news?? I'm 1/3 of the way through baking this little bun! I can't wait to meet Baby and wrap him or her in love and kisses!

The average fetus at 12 weeks is about 2.1 inches long and .49 ounces. Now that she's (or he's) got pretty much all her (or his) parts, her (or his) main job is to keep on growing!

Most of her (or his) critical systems are fully formed. She's about to enter the growth and maturation stage, in which her organs and tissues will grow and develop rapidly. She's now developing her reflexes -- if you poke her body she'll likely move. HEY NO POKING THE BABY! She's opening and closing her fingers and curling her toes, too. Her brain is developing fast!!!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

{the sweetest sound}

Today I had my second prenatal visit! What a joy to hear my sweet Baby's heartbeat for the first time! I shed tears of joy at the first sound of thump, thump, thump! Dr. Winn said the Baby's ticker sounds perfect, which is a HUGE sigh of relief since I am on heart medication!! The heart rate was in the 150 range. Now, if you follow the old wives tales that means a baby girl! Of course, this isn't fool proof, but it is surprisingly accurate! I remember Kayleah and Liora's little heartbeats being in the 150's! Now, don't get me wrong a little boy would be fantastic, but most importantly, I want a healthy Baby.

While listening to Baby's heartbeat I decided that I would go against the norm of society and wait until delivery to find out the Baby's gender. What a HUGE surprise it will be on delivery day for me and those who are walking this journey with me! What are your thoughts on waiting until the grand entrance to find out the gender??

Have I mentioned that I am due on MY BIRTHDAY?!?! That happens in about 1 in 300,000 pregnancies! So, Baby is due to break life's gate on June 29, 2012! Only God could prepare such a beautiful surprise! I truly believe that God has BIG plans for this little babe. Something special is growing perfectly inside of me. Lord Jesus, thank you for trusting me with this precious gift! I will cherish EVERY moment!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

{belly pic 11 weeks 6 days}

Well, I guess it's time to start posting the "bump"...or the lack there of right now! I have a feeling I'm going to be popping out VERY soon! :)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

{emotions, emotions)

You've got a home so full of love,
Yet you're not here, my little gift from above.
These days go by so slowly as I wait,
For you, my sweet Baby, to break through life's gate.
I promise, my sweet Child, to NEVER leave you,
as I have worked hard to retrieve you.
This world will be full of temptation and trouble,
And I'll never expect you to live in a bubble.
I do expect you to give me the chance,
to raise you wrapped in love, which I know you'll enhance.
You'll change my world,
You'll change my life,
And with God's grace and mercy we'll be alright.
Please hurry, dear Child, and get here soon,
So I can make happiness be seen from the moon!

{survey says...11 weeks}

  • How far along?  11 weeks and 5 days!! Goodbye first trimester!
  • Total weight gain/loss?  Well, that's a personal question! I thought you never asked a lady her weight? Oh wait, I asked myself! :) OK, back to the question, about 5 pounds. I think!
  • Maternity clothes?  Not yet...THANK YOU LORD! But, some sweet ladies have offered to pass along some hand me downs! SCORE!
  • Stretch marks?  Not yet and I'm praying they don't happen! Where's my cocoa butter?? 
  • Sleep?  I'd be sleeping like a champ if I didn't have to pee every hour! TMI? Part of it, my friends! Human having a human experience!!!! 
  • Best moment this week?  In two days I will get to hear my Little Lime's heartbeat for the first time! *tear*
  • Movement?  I thought I felt a little sumpin, sumpin the other day, but everyone is telling me it's gas! TMI again?? Human having a human experience!
  • Food cravings?  Pickles and pickle juice! But it BETTER be Claussen!
  • Gender?  I don't know yet...for sure. My mother's intuition tells me it's a GIRL! I'll find out in 3 weeks!
  • Labor signs?  Um, N-O!
  • Belly button in or out?  In and it had better stay that way!
  • What I miss?  Drinking a bottle of whiskey EVERY night! I kid, I kid! I do miss having a stable mood! 
  • What I am looking forward to?  Hearing the baby's heart beat and finding out the gender on January 7th! And, pretty soon I'll stop it with the random gagging! :)
  • Weekly wisdom?  If you drink massive amounts of pickle juice before bed you will NOT get up to pee 14 times! I think I'm going to sell this idea on all those baby websites! Yes, I accept pay pal!
  • Milestones?  I can't believe the first trimester is almost over! WOW!

{baby's first photo}

My Baby's first photo shoot! The was taken at 7 weeks and 6 days!

Monday, December 12, 2011

{11 weeks}

Wow! 11 weeks already! Time is just flying by! Since this is my first post and for those of you who haven't guessed yet....I'M PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!

I am so excited to be expecting another baby! I have a stinking suspicion that it is a girl, but I'll find out in just over 3 weeks!!!!!

The baby (OK, he) is growing and growing at a rapid rate! I am amazed at how God knits us together in the womb! Lord, I thank you for this sweet, sweet blessing you have given me!

My Little Lime is about 1.6 inches long, and she's (or he's) got about a 1:1 head to body ratio. She (or he) now weighs in at about .25 ounces!